Next week CoachPath Life School is running a free Challenge, called Take Back Your Time, 5 Day Challenge (registration information is below) and we thought it would be fun to share a sneak peak at a part of the process of being completely empowered over your own time.

In this Episode we do just that as we answer these questions:

  • What is the secret to having so much time you really do have a choice of how you spend it?
  • What is it that you have to do to once you know this secret?
  • How can you gain back 2 – 3 hours of your day EVERYDAY?

We are excited to invite you to register for the Free Challenge that is launching next Monday on January 27th called The Take Back Your Time, 5 Day Challenge. This is a deep look at your relationship with time, the things that hold you back from being empowered over your own time and all the tools you need to create 2 -3 hours a day when you do the work of the challenge. Go to and click on Challenges then click on Take Back Your Time to register. Also check out the 6-week Master Class that follows the challenge to give you even more support in implementing the tools in the Take back Your Time Challenge.

Please connect with us in our Facebook Group, Self Growth for the Calmly Determined where we interact with our audience, announce our guests and ask question that help us focus our podcast content.

Also, go to and sign up to receive our free mini E-Course, 3 Steps to Living an Uncomplicated Life. This will also put you on our e-mail list to received updates, offers and opportunities. Check out Life School while you are on the CoachPath website to see everything that we have to offer.

Next Week, not only does our free challenge start, but we have a very special guest expert, Jenny Remington on the CoachPath Life School Podcast, who will work with us on having a much deeper understanding of Self-Care. She is fabulous!!!

In the Meantime, Remember, to make the most of your LIFE SCHOOL!